Gonglai Zhang was a teacher working in a Kindergarten. When she was 32 years old, she was pregnant. However, the Lingdao in their Kindergarten (Lingdao is a very subtle word in Chinese, it has similar meaning with "Leader", but much profound than that. It suggests a hint of power, arrogance together with ignorance. In a kindergarten, Lingdao should be the principal; in a government, anyone with higher official level should be called Lingdao) forbid her to give birth to the baby, even if it is her 1st child. According to the Lingdao
" there were not many teachers available so giving birth to the child does bad to the Kindergarten."
The one on the very left is Ms. Gonglai Zhang
2. Lose Job
At that time, she had already been carrying the baby for 6 months. It was dangerous to abort. She has determined to give birth to the child anyway, which made the Lingdao felt being ignored and became angry. she lost her job without any compensation but a newly born baby.
She likes painting very much.
In this situation, she complaint the misbehavior of their Lingdao of the kindergarten to the Women's Federation in their city. As any other bureaucracy, the Women's Federation really doesn't care much , but still asked her to go back work and reconcile with the Lingdao in the Kindergarten.
She then worked for 3 months, but didn't get any payment, and went back to the Women's Federation again. Women's Federation did nothing but mock, that if she was bullied and not satisfied, she can simply walk away and change for another work. That's the par she cannot understand and it was the beginning part of her doomed fate.
3. Start Appealing (Shang-Fang)
She doesn't understand why they dealt with this issue like that, and started the road of appealing, where "Shang-Fang" may be more appropriate. Several more bkg knowledge:
In China, when citizens have conflict with government, many people turn to "Shang-Fang" since local court is not trustworthy (No Separation of powers). They go to the Shang-Fang office established by higher level government to complain the problem with local government. However, even in this situation, it seldom works, because the Shang-Fang office usually notifies the local government to take care of the problem, but not forceful , and leave the resolution of the problem back to local. government again.
Many local officials are afraid of people Shang-Fang to Beijing (so their political future will be hampered), so they secretly built many Black Jails to catch the "ShangFangers" back to local before they can arrive at ShangFang Office.
4. Forced into Madhouse
In any case, Gonglai Zhang's ShangFang to the Provincial Government makes the local Women's Federation (also a part of the Municipal government) very, very upset, so they decided to put her into a Madhouse, and treated her as psychosis. In order to put her into the madhouse, they don't even need the signatures of her family- the signature from the Lingdao of the Kindergarten is enough.
The notification from the Madhouse, with only signature from the Lingdaos of the Kindergarten. Actually, This Kindergarten is called "2nd Kindergarten attached to Women's Federation." This clear shows that she is put into Madhouse.
There is one thing worth mentioning, that to put ShangFangers into Madhouse is widely used, it happens on many people everyday, in every city in China. Fortunately this forced-Psychosis is abandoned since this 2103 May, see in here.
During her life in the Madhouse, she was forced to be injected a lot of medication and etc. which ruined her nervous system.The local government paid tens of thousands RMB (at that time 1USE=8RMB) psychotropic drugs, but in the meantime she suffered from many other diseases in her heart, stomach, lung, but none of them are taken care at all.
The photo is taken in the Madhouse. She is the one on the right.
5. To Beijing
She was escaped during the transition to another hospital, and her family brought to AnDing Hospital in Beijing, one of the best hospital in China. The doctor gave a conclusion and she has no psychotropic problem. However, she was soon caught back, and forced to use the drugs continually.
The doctor's document in Beijing AnDing Hospital to show that she is not psychosis.This definitely contradicts the previous conclusion from local madhouse.
6. Sentence to prison
What makes her nightmare begins is during her ShangFang to Beijing. Based on the diagnosis from Beijing, she is normal. But she was put into Madhouse for years (intermittently), so she was determined to ShangFang again, not to provincial government, but to Beijing directly.
One very weird thing happened. One day, someone came up and beat her with no reason, and when she tried to defend herself, that person claimed to get hurt immediately. Then police came and said she hurt a person and had to take the criminal responsibility. It's wierd- according to the local diagnosis, she should be a "psychiatric patients", while a person with psychosis cannot to take the criminal responsibility. At the time, the legal medical expert of the local court gave another proof that she was totally OK without psychosis. That's why she was put into prison.
The day when she is released from the prison.
Notice: The entire story is full of horrible details, also the story is shortened.