Recently, a famous CCP (Chinese Communism Party ) journal "Red Flag" posts an editorial (see in here in Chinese), which shocks everyone: "Constitutionalism is for Capitalists, not for Socialism". Basically, it argues that the institution of China is much better than Separation of Powers and other essential elements of Constitutionalism. It also claims
"Western political concepts like separation of powers are alien and unsuited to China,"
"Hold on to sacred Party spirit, as a Christian believes in God."
This is only part of the story. Now there is a new article in the journal called"Party Building", it asks people to recognize the deceptive nature of Constitutionalism:
"The assertion of Constitutional is very clear, it is aimed to abolish the Chinese Communist Party's leadership, to subvert the Socialist regime."
Few more words. In China, the reason to bring about Constitutionalism is simple- all laws should obey the Constitution. There are horrors happening in China, such as "Forced Demolition", where the homes of tens of millions of people are dismantled by brutal force by Real Estate Developers together with local government. Many people are killed or committed suicide of this. This Forced Demolition is against the Constitution of China, but since CCP never initiated one single Unconstitutional Reviewing, many people are struggling to appeal for Constitutionalism.
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