Friday, 7 June 2013

What "Cheng-Guan" is?

"Chengguan" is an important element to understand the urban China. It is directly translated as City Enforcement Bureau, which is explained here.

Basically, it wipes away small vendors or pedlars on the streets, and for many time Chengguan would just confiscate all the goods. From time to time, they also resort to violence without any punishment.

Thanks to smart phone, video is much easier to take. Here is a famous affair happened very recently, In Yan-An, a small city in the northwestern part of China. There are numerous violent affairs happening in every city every day, some with videos available can be found in youtube.

On the other hand, the confiscation makes the Chengguan rich. In the above-mentioned small city Yan-An, the Building for the Chengguan is a 30-floor building.

 The four Chinese Characters on the top of the building means "Chengguan Edifice".

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