This blog intends to introduce you a Real China, in a realistic and unbiased way. At the beginning, one should bear in mind several very important basic rules in order to achieve a real understanding. The explanations will be given later:
In order to learn what are really happening in China, one would:
1. Be very cautious what you read, see or hear from Chinese Media.
2. Be cautious about what you heard from Chinese classmates/colleagues about China's development.
3. Almost never believe the posted replies to a negative news in China by "Chinese people".
4. Forget about Beijing or Shanghai, they are not real China.
5. Never ever believe in data of China published by Chinese government.
1. Be very cautious what you read, see or hear from Chinese Media.
1) There are intensive censorship- what can be published are under strict control by the
Propaganda Department at each level of government.
e.g.1. "New Year Greeting Incident" in Jan 2013, can be found
here and
2) Within such censorship, they focus on so-called "Positive News", which occurs 1 over 1 million, but ignores "Negative News".
Huaxi Village. There is at most one village as rich as this at each province (there are ~30 provinces in total), while when the news talks about rural development, Huaxi appears every time.
e.g.3. Gunshot in US became Top News in "News Feeds"(largest TV news in China), see comments
here and
here (in Chinese), however at the same time there are also several accidents in China with more people killed are deliberately ignored by all media.
3) Much worse than censorship: all newspapers, TVs, magazines etc are indeed government owned. Some
online portals are private-owned, but none of them is allowed to write their own reportage: they can only cite Official Media, but cannot make their own interview.
e.g. "People's Daily" directly obeys from the central authority of China, and
the president of People's Daily has the administrative level equal to
a minister- In China a minister more or less equals to the governor of
some important provinces (see
here for more info, in Chinese).
4) Notice: Be aware of some Chinese medias published in English, including "People's Daily", "Global Times" and "XinhuaNet". Those who have English version are very close to the central government.
e.g.4. "Global Times" once said "China people must permit moderate corruption, the public should understand", see
2. Be cautious about what you heard from Chinese classmates/colleagues about China's development.
1) Most of Chinese people around you come from upper-class(that's why they can afford studying abroad). Their parents are either government dignities or successful businessmen (Feel free to ask, some will tell you proudly). There is one simple criteria:
Family wealth & power rank:
HighSchools ~ Undergrads > Master >> PhDs.
Basically, families who can afford them such high tuition fee for high school to master in UK or US comes from very rich family- either government or business. For PhDs, they usually come from ordinary families and do research.
Those people from such families cannot represent the opinions of ordinary Chinese people.
e.g.5. What do they do in UK and US (they are all from high-level families):
Dissertation Bribing and Gun threatening
Rape and parents trying to bribe victim
c. V
ehicular Homicide: $2M bail!
2) The other reason is subtle. Even they are from ordinary families, and do research, they are still very cautious to tell any negative words to China, for their own safety. Most of them chose an aloof attitude: they know what is going on, but they pretend not to care because it is not happening on themselves, and (they think) there is nothing they can do.
e.g.6. in LA or Toronto, there are "Mistress Village" exist: see
here and
here. It becomes incredibly popular that young girls become "2nd wives(directly translated as ‘2nd breasts’ in Chinese)" of old rich businessmen or government officers (most of them cannot be regarded as dignities ).
3. Almost never believe the posted replies to a negative news in China by "Chinese people".
When viewing youtube, or fb, or anywhere else where news can be commented, there are always people from China trying to defend the country like patriots. However, it is almost 100% caused by "50 cent party", see
here for explanation. They are" Internet commentators hired by the Chinese
government to post comments favorable towards party policies in an
attempt to shape and sway public opinion on Internet message boards."
There are just too many of them, at least hundreds of them at each county, each university. Most of them focus on domestic issue, but some with special training post comments outside
GFW- actually ordinary Chinese people do not have a chance to surf Facebook, nor Youtube, nor Twitter, nor Google, till today due to GFW. Since 50-cent parties are trained to response quickly, it is not surprising to see many news are even occupied by their perspective- pretend to be people but official indeed.
Thus, be alert, don't buy them.
4. Forget about Beijing or Shanghai, they are not real China.
1) There is only 1 Beijing, 1 Shanghai, but there are at least 100 million people living under Chinese's absolute poverty line ($0.55, lower than UN $1/day), see
here and
2) In rural part of China (e.g. 100 miles away from Beijing), there is still no tap water nor flushing-away toilet. People have to get water from river (if any) or underground, and deal with soil in a very old fashioned way. There is a witticism in China, "City is like Europe, Countryside is like Africa."
5. Never ever believe in data of China published by Chinese government.
Seldom data can be believed. For instance, the birth rate. In one region, if the birth rate is too high, the local government may be regarded as failure to obey One-Child Policy, while it is too lower, than the grants from higher governments will be cut. Thus, local government has to manipulate the birth data by maximizing the grants, and can be far away from truth. Not only birth data,
Export data faking also exists, also can be seen from
here .
Even in such situation, many data, such as water pollution, or
environmental evaluation of Three Gorges Project, are still treated as state secret.
Based on above reasons, one should be wary when hearing anything about China, due to the lack of reliable sources. A very large protest between citizens and military police (they are indeed army, but since 1989, a new type of army with the name Armed Police is established in order to evade the accusation of abuse of army) may end up repression and blood, but appears in no newspaper. What's worse, when people ask for help online, the posts will be deleted within a short time with extra risk for jail.
This blog will do its best to convey latest news in China, to capture the fleeting truism before its deletion, to tell you what is really happening in China- the country with 2nd largest economy together with largest poverty.